December - 6th & 13th. January - 10th, 17th, 24th & 31st. February - 7th, 14th, 21st, & 28th. Up to age 5, with an adult Activities promote reading and social skills Snacks are provided Paws to Read Saturday, December 14th @ 11am-12pm - Central Library Kids are invited to read to a furry friend from Caring Therapy Canines. Creating the Carol Tuesday, December 3rd @ 5:30pm - Central Library Join Chris Hart as he presents a first person narrative account of Charles Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol”, then explores the real-life character and setting inspirations for the Yuletide classic. Registration is required. Get Crafty with Kate! Thursday, December 5th @ 6pm - Central Library Make a holiday craft with OSU Extension Services Educator Kate Shumaker. Registration is required. Ten Warning Signs of Alzheimers Thursday, December 12th @ 5:30pm - Central Library Jay Regallis, Volunteer & Community Liaison for the Alzheimer’s Association, will educate us on signs to watch for. Registration is required. Book Quest Club - Holly Jolly Reads! Tuesday, December 10th @ 5:30pm - Central Library Families with kids ages 6-12 will explore a variety of holiday-related books for gift ideas, and will make a holiday ornament. Registration is required. Winter Break Fun December 26th, 9am-7pm; 27th, 9am-5pm; 28th, 9am- 2pm; 30th, 9am-7pm; & 31st, 9am-5pm - Central Library Youth can stop by the children’s room to create a different craft each day, play board games, and build with LEGOs or magnetic tiles! Family Movie Matinee Saturday, December 28th @ 11am - Central Library We're showing "The Wild Robot", rated PG, on the big screen! Bring a comfy chair or blanket, a snack and a drink. Children must be with an adult. December Craft Kit for Teens @ the Central Library. Starting December 2nd, pick up a craft kit with supplies to make an ugly Christmas sweater ornament,. Story Times @ the Killbuck Community Library - Tuesdays @ 10:30 AM Ages 2-5 with an adult December - 3rd & 10th. January - 7th, 14th, 21st, & 28th. February - 4th, 11th, 18th, & 25th. East Branch - Wednesdays @ 10:30AM Ages 2-5 with an adult December - 4th & 11th. January - 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th. February - 5th, 12th, 19th, & 26th. Central Library - Fridays @ 10:30AM Ages 2-5 with an adult December - 6th, & 13th. January - 10th, 17th, 24th & 31st. February - 7th, 14th, 21st, & 28th. NEWSLETTER Holmes County District Public Library Story Times 2024 December 2025 January 2025 February Page 1 December Little Learners Playgroup - Fridays @ 11am-12pm -Central Library Holiday Closings Christmas Holiday, December 24th & 25th New Year’s Holiday, January 1st (close @ 5pm on December 31st) MLK Day, January 20th Presidents Day, February 17th Kids Winter Reading Program - January 6th - March 1st. Kids are invited to join our Winter Reading Program to win prizes when you read! Registration is required. Visit the library or call 330-674-5972 for more information. Teens & Adults Winter Reading Program - January 6th - March 1st. Grab a cup of cocoa, warm up with a good book, and win some cool prizes! Registration is required. Visit the library or call 330-674-5972 for more information.
Family Movie Matinee Saturday, January 18th @ 11am - Central Library We're showing "Harold and the Purple Crayon", rated PG, on the big screen! Bring a comfy chair or blanket, a snack and a drink. Children must be with an adult. Paws to Read Saturday, February 8th @ 11am-12pm - Central Library Kids are invited to read to a furry friend from Caring Therapy Canines. January Craft Kit for Teens @ the Central Library Pick up a craft kit with supplies to make a DIY bird feeder. Introduction to American Sign Language Tuesday, January 7th @ 5:30pm - Central Library All ages are invited to join us for a beginner’s ASL instruction, with representatives from the Holmes County Board of Developmental Disabilities. Registration is required. February Craft Kit for Teens @ the Central Library Pick up a craft kit with supplies to make homemade gummie candies. Winter Break Fun January 2nd, 9am-7pm; 3rd, 9am-5pm; & 4th, 9am- 2pm - Central Library Youth can stop by the children’s room to create a different craft each day, play board games, and build with LEGOs or magnetic tiles! Paws to Read Saturday, January 11th @ 11am-12pm - Central Library Kids are invited to read to a furry friend from Caring Therapy Canines. Domestic Violence - Impacting Children Tuesday, January 14th @ 5:30pm - Central Library Gayle Byrne, 180 Response Coordinator & Victim Advocate, will talk about domestic violence and the effect on children in the home. Registration is required for this adults only program. Book Quest Club - Reading Adventures! Thursday, January 23rd @ 5:30pm - Central Library Families with kids ages 6-12 will explore a variety of adventure-themed books and create a reading survival pack. Registration is required. After School Fun Monday, January 27th @ 4pm-5pm - Central Library Kids K-6th grade are invited to play board games, crafts, and other activities. Snacks will be provided. Book Quest Club - Mysterious Reads! Thursday, February 13th @ 5:30pm - Central Library Families with kids ages 6-12 will explore a variety of mystery-themed books, and make a mystery-themed bookmark. Registration is required. After School Fun Monday, February 24th @ 4pm-5pm - Central Library Kids K-6th grade are invited to play board games, crafts, and other activities. Snacks will be provided. Ft. Fizzle & the Holmes County Rebellion Tuesday, February 11th@ 5:30pm - Central Library Using National Archival records, historian Patrick Drouhard will share a historically accurate account of events that took place near Glenmont, Ohio, during the Civil War. February Book Discussions for Adults - January 28th at the Central Library Page 2 HOLMES COUNTY DISTRICT PUBLIC LIBRARY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Central Library 3102 Glen Drive Millersburg PH: 330-674-5972 FAX: 330-674-1938 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday East Branch 4877 Olde Pump Street Walnut Creek PH: 330-893-3464 9am-7pm 9am-7pm 9am-5pm 9am-7pm 9am-5pm 9am-2pm 10am-4pm 2pm-8pm 10am-4pm 2pm-8pm January 1pm - “The Lost Continent: Travels in Small-Town America” by Bill Bryson. 6pm - “Flowers for Algernon” by Daniel Keyes. Adventures with Dog Man Saturday, January 25th @ 10:30am - Central Library Kids ages 7-12 that are fans of Dog Man will enjoy a variety of activities and crafts to celebrate the release of the new movie. Registration is required. Book Discussions for Adults - February 25th at the Central Library 1pm - “Someone Else’s Bucket List” by Amy T. Matthews. 6pm - “The Invention of Wings” by Sue Monk Kidd. Age of Steam Roundhouse Tuesday, February 4th @ 5:30pm - Central Library Join Joe Herrick from the Museum in Sugarcreek, as he shares the history of the Roundhouse, and the importance of railroads and trains in building America.